Decorative Logs - ROSE GARDEN Colour Mix

A fresh, restorative mix of blush with garden green.
Decorative Logs - ROSE GARDEN Colour Mix
  • Rose Garden Colour Mix decorative logs by The Log Basket.
  • Ornamental colourful logs to create a stylish log stack in an empty recess, alcove or unused fireplace.
  • Hand painted real logs in blush pink, green and grey.
  • Colour palette inspired by interior trends for blush pink accents, cacti and succulents.
  • One bundle will fill a 30cm x 30cm (12" x 12") recess.
  • 12 - 15 logs per bundle.
  • Available in 10cm and 20cm log lengths.

If you've got an unused alcove or fireplace that is standing empty, make a feature out of it - stack it full with decorative logs in a beautiful colour palette. Blush pink and grey colour combinations are always a winner and we love the addition of a soft green to this palette, reminiscent of a fresh, summertime garden - or a windowsill laden with potted succulents.

It really is easy to create a stunning focal point in any room using our painted decorative logs. Our timber is locally sourced, fully dried and hand finished. The logs will arrive ready to unpack and display - simply stack the logs into your recess. A tip from us would be to arrange them as randomly as possible - mix up the sizes and disperse the colours throughout the stack. Once you are happy with your arrangement, that's it! The job is done - all you need do now is sit back and enjoy looking at them for years to come. Simple, quick and satisfying! Give them a little flick with a feather duster every now and then to keep them dust free - just as you would any wooden furniture in your home.

One end grain of each log is meticulously hand painted using water-based, environmentally friendly paint from The Little Greene Paint Company. The other end of the log is left as natural wood, for you to decide which end to display in your log stack. Mix them up!

As with all of our wood products, these logs should NOT be stacked or displayed against, or adjacent to, any fire or burner that may cause the logs to get hot.

'Rose Garden' consists of varying diameters (4cm to 15cm) of logs per bundle. One bundle (30cm x 30cm x log length) contains approximately 12-15 logs, including two half logs to neaten edges. These halves are essentially one log split into two along the length - offer the flat, cut side of these logs up to the inside walls of the recess, to fill any small gaps around the edges of the stack. Installation quantity advice is given further below.

Available in 10cm and 20cm lengths.

ROSE GARDEN paint shades include: Pink Slip / Garden / Lead Colour / Scree

HOW MANY WILL YOU NEED? Simply measure the height and width of the recess that you would like to fill, then use one of these handy formulae to calculate how many bundles you will need to completely fill your space:
In Centimetres: Height x Width/900 = total number of bundles required (Height times Width divided by 900)
In Inches: Height x Width/144 = total number of bundles required (Height times Width divided by 144)

You choose the length of log to suit the depth of your space.

Condition: New